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Tourist Accommodation Certificate - Mauritius Tourism Authority


Tourist Accommodation Certificate

The Tourist Accommodation Certificate is an omnibus certificate combining such facilities and services as restaurant, beauty parlour, health and fitness, spa and wellness, boathouse, shops, boutiques and bar, provided by the different types of accommodation.

The 4 Types of accommodation licensed by the Authority are:
  • Hotel
  • Guest House
  • Tourist Residence
  • Domaine
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Validity Period for a Tourist Accommodation Certificate

The Tourist Accommodation Certificate will be valid for a period of three (3) consecutive years. However, the payment of the operating fee may be effected on a yearly basis or for a period of three (3) years.

Delay for renewal of licence

An application for the renewal of a Tourist Enterprise Licence shall be made by the licensee within 3 months before the date of expiry of the licence.

Where an application for renewal is made after expiry of the licence but within
a delay of 30 days, the Authority may renew the licence upon payment by the
licensee of a surcharge of 50 per cent in addition to the renewal fee.

A licence shall lapse if is not renewed within 30 days after the date of its


Guidelines & Standards Services

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Tourist Residence

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Hotel Classification

Self Assessment Report

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Safety and Security

Tourist Accommodation

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Tourist Accommodation Certificate